Sunday, September 12, 2010


A long time ago, in the land of high school gym...there was a class full of seniors who were doing what we like to call "quick stretching".  In our gym teacher's example of "quick stretching", we motioned through all the stretches we normally should do, but in fast motion!  For one of the stretches where you put your elbow over your teacher was not doing the stretch properly.  When I confronted her, she simply told me to.....CH! not shhhh! not stop talking...not scch...but CH! (verrrry very short) now Jo, Len, & I will always CH each other randomly when speaking.  One example of the BEST CH ever, was when Len decided to CH me as we both passed in our cars, as I was driving out of school and he was driving into school. Epic moment of silence, then saw him...then hysterical laughter all the way home.

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